Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Issue #3

Bon soir,

First up, just a quick round-up of a couple o' things I've done since the last few thangs.

I've started to take my ideas of the sense of touch and melding forms, imprints etc. to a more 3D setting, something I really enjoy doing much to my surprise having never done that sort of thing in the Leaving Cert.

These are a couple of plaster things I made of my hand in preparation for my wire hands;

After this I moulded lengths of wire around one side of the main hand (with the occasional broken finger as you can see) and mounted them first on paper as a basic beginning experiment;

I then made a more secure one, using a wooden tray-kinda thing to hold the wires, this time in an imprinted hand shape;

This whole sense of touch thing has also now led me to look at it more in terms of sensations, particularly pain, and through a more anatomical medium;

I've started looking at some images of the nerves of the hand, making a few sketches, and I'm hoping I can do something based on this theme in some kind of print, maybe lino;

Palmar nerves; deep ^

Palmar nerves; superficial ^

I've also been concentrating on researching some more artists in relation to my ideas and work, focusing somewhat on the theme of textures as suggested by Michael and GrĂ¡inne;

Idris Khan; "Birmingham Palace, London" and "St. Paul's, London"

Yun Woo Choi; magazine sculptures from the "Just Another Day" exhibition

Swoon; "Milton", "Ohne Titel", some other wall jobby

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