Firstly, remember my wee look into the world of hand nerves?
Cool. So, I've started looking into this area a bit more, as well as beginning a lino print (applause, applause).
So I firstly made a pen drawing of this image to work from;
Then traced, did all the stuff, and now I have my lino which I'll be printing tomorrow hopefully:
Oh, also I popped along to Kieran Whitelaw's ceramics workshop last Tuesday. It was quite an interesting few hours, definitely produced for everyone there some interesting and unexpected results, particularly the ink drawings we made before working with any clay using bamboo sticks and whatever dipping instruments we fancied.
We then did a bit of work with clay, which was then fired and glazed by Kieran (not speaking in the third person) (not yet anyway) (hopefully I won't) (just keep an eye, yeah?).
I thought these were a tad rubbish but sure they're prettily coloured.
That's probably all for now folks, g'night!