Monday, 22 October 2012

Issue #4

Just a quickie.

Firstly, remember my wee look into the world of hand nerves?

Cool. So, I've started looking into this area a bit more, as well as beginning a lino print (applause, applause).

So I firstly made a pen drawing of this image to work from;

Then traced, did all the stuff, and now I have my lino which I'll be printing tomorrow hopefully:

Oh, also I popped along to Kieran Whitelaw's ceramics workshop last Tuesday. It was quite an interesting few hours, definitely produced for everyone there some interesting and unexpected results, particularly the ink drawings we made before working with any clay using bamboo sticks and whatever dipping instruments we fancied.

We then did a bit of work with clay, which was then fired and glazed by Kieran (not speaking in the third person) (not yet anyway) (hopefully I won't) (just keep an eye, yeah?).

I thought these were a tad rubbish but sure they're prettily coloured.

That's probably all for now folks, g'night!


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Issue #3

Bon soir,

First up, just a quick round-up of a couple o' things I've done since the last few thangs.

I've started to take my ideas of the sense of touch and melding forms, imprints etc. to a more 3D setting, something I really enjoy doing much to my surprise having never done that sort of thing in the Leaving Cert.

These are a couple of plaster things I made of my hand in preparation for my wire hands;

After this I moulded lengths of wire around one side of the main hand (with the occasional broken finger as you can see) and mounted them first on paper as a basic beginning experiment;

I then made a more secure one, using a wooden tray-kinda thing to hold the wires, this time in an imprinted hand shape;

This whole sense of touch thing has also now led me to look at it more in terms of sensations, particularly pain, and through a more anatomical medium;

I've started looking at some images of the nerves of the hand, making a few sketches, and I'm hoping I can do something based on this theme in some kind of print, maybe lino;

Palmar nerves; deep ^

Palmar nerves; superficial ^

I've also been concentrating on researching some more artists in relation to my ideas and work, focusing somewhat on the theme of textures as suggested by Michael and GrĂ¡inne;

Idris Khan; "Birmingham Palace, London" and "St. Paul's, London"

Yun Woo Choi; magazine sculptures from the "Just Another Day" exhibition

Swoon; "Milton", "Ohne Titel", some other wall jobby

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Issue #2


Since the last exciting issue, I've decided to (as well as do some more stuff) look up and research some artists and see what inspiration I can glean from their works.

Firstly; Henry Moore and Antony Gormley; since taking out some books by them from the college library, they've had a considerable influence on my work and my approach to it.

These works by Henry Moore, "Two Grey Sleepers" and "Four Grey Sleepers" respectively had an immediate and profound effect on my project; they struck me for the way in which the sleepers seem to blend and meld into their environment and eachother. This appealed very much to my favourite idea of the sense of touch and all that stuff I was on about last issue.

I made a couple of things based off of this train of thought straight away;

The work of Antony Gormley is another area which I have found gives an interesting point of view for this project; his use of space in pieces such as "Fruit II", "Field for the British Isles", and "Fathers and Sons, Gods and Artists".

In these works Gormley really uses space in very interesting ways; the invasion of a space and the presence of something over-sized in a place it seem it does not belong in "Fruit II"; the filling of a space in "Field for the British Isles", and the placement of objects in a space in such a way that maximises the artist's desired effect. 

These made me think more about the manipulation of space and how this affects the viewer; perfect for my other main idea of looking at space and manipulating it, covering up certain areas to change how it is sensed and seen, such as in these;

That's it for this issue, come back next time for more slendid tidbits in Issue #3!