Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Limerick Skatepark

Went on another bit of a wander today, this time into the fine city of Limerick, and ended up trying my hand at a spot of action photography at the skatepark down by the river.

An interesting, much more challenging experience than the previous two posts; obviously much more of a challenge to get that one-in-a-hundred shot that works. Literally took like 103 photos today, and only these few were worth using!

First a couple of "arty shots"...

Okay now skateboarding!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Cork City Wanderings

Mo' practice photos!

So me and my bro Calum (blood bro, not friend bro) were both down in Cork last Thursday/Friday for assorted gaming and general wandering and I decided that since I'd only the previous day managed to acquire my dad's 40D for this course I'd take it with me around Cork on the Thursday.

We basically had a major exploration around the city, in areas ranging from the North Side to the middle to all in between. Here's just a few select photos from the trip...

Firstly some random places just north of the river:

...then around St. Finbarr's/moving vaguely city centre direction:

...then this amazingly photogenic alleyway somewhere in the centre:

...and finally a few arty shots of Calum in the apartment reading Empire and a drunk photo of our friend Michael looking like Satan:

I'm pretty happy with these photos, I reckon I'm definitely starting to get the hang of taking fully manual photos on the fly and controlling and manipulating the settings to achieve whatever results I want to achieve.