Friday, 7 December 2012

Issue #9

Okay, let's get straight into this business; no time for idle chit-chat this late in the year!

First up, here's a couple of prints I made t'other day for the idea I'm working on at the moment (y'know, the ol' nerves flying out/exploring space thing)

I think these came out pretty nice, I really like the strong, almost electric blue colour of the nerves. A good lil' exploration of this current idea, plus I really like the medium of woodblock printing. Incidentally, here's a picture of the actual woodblock; often I think the woodblocks themselves turn out either as nice or nicer than the actual prints.

In other news, the mono prints are coming on quite nicely but unfortunately it looks like I probably won't get the whole thing finished before Christmas what with there only being Tuesday left.

Now, for the main event, the plat principal! I've been working for the past couple of days on a hand sculpture, going back partially to a brief idea I had before of hands coming into spaces, exploring or invading the space, and combining my current line of thought. Here's the result of the first day of work, just the thick wire frame made up of rings and four straight supports with the hand on top extending off, all just secured together with a lot of tightly wrapped tape.

Then yesterday I basically did some reinforcing work, using some thinner wire to secure and strengthen the tape, and making the fingers more finger-ish:

Next stage will be making of the nerves which'll be starting at the floor and working up into the hand and fingers then extending out of them and splaying out around whatever space the hand occupies. These nerves will probably be done with some kind of electrical wire, and I may include some kind of red material or yarn to represent muscles and stuff.